Distribution-aware Low-bit Quantization for 3D Point Cloud Networks
Published in 2022 IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), 2022
Various low-bit quantized methods have been widely exploited and shown decent performance on 2D vision tasks in recent years. Complemented with 2D images, 3D point clouds provide an opportunity to understand the surrounding environ-ment better. However, low-bit quantization methods designed for 2D vision tasks are not readily transferable to 3D point clouds due to the higher dimension of 3D data and the increased proportion of activations. … Read more
Recommended citation:
Hu, D., Chen, S., Yang, H., & Wang, G. (2022, December). Distribution-aware Low-bit Quantization for 3D Point Cloud Networks. In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP) (pp. 1-5). IEEE. [pdf] [bib]